Ninja Obstacle Course Inspections


As with Trampoline Parks, Ninja Obstacle Parks are becoming increasingly more popular within the UK and Europe. STS-UK Group are one of a handful of companies who may be considered competent, and being fully insured to undertake comprehensive visual inspections of Ninja Parks, and possess the capability to perform the required load testing to determine the condition and safety levels of any installed equipment on-site.

STS-UK Group are active members of relevant bodies such as; British Standards Institute (BSI), The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), International Association of Trampoline Parks (IATP), and The Active Indoor Leisure Association (TAILA) - holding a high regard for health and safety. The services we offer not only ensure that your equipment is considered safe for public use, it can also aid with the improving of your product and the general site conditions surrounding them, in an attempt to further reduce any inherent risks associated with the nature of the activities, and components.

Services offered within this sector include:

  • Full Inspection of the Park;
  • Load Testing of Equipment and Frames; and
  • Recommendations on how to improve Health and Safety

For further information or a quotation on Ninja Obstacle Course Inspections please Contact Us.